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“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law”
– U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 9

One of Congress’s most fundamental constitutional duties is to appropriate government funds, allocating money annually for everything from the national defense to interstate roads and bridges to food assistance for low-income seniors. As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I intend to fight for the priorities that are most important for our state, and I want to hear directly from you about what those should be.

My office accepts two types of appropriations requests: programmatic requests and Congressionally Directed Spending requests. Programmatic requests are requests for Congress to fund an authorized federal program at a specific level or to include language directing a federal agency to implement a program in a specific way. Congressionally Directed Spending requests are requests to fund a specific project or organization. For example, increasing funding for Amtrak would be a programmatic request, while providing funding for a specific rail project in your town would be a Congressionally Directed Spending request.

Due to the spending constraints of the federal budget, Congress will not be able to fund all of the programmatic or Congressionally Directed Spending requests that I think are worthy, but your feedback will be crucial in helping me decide what to fight for. I’m here to be your voice in Washington and I want to hear from you about how Congress should allocate federal dollars.

The deadline to submit a funding request through my office for FY 2025 has passed. Thank you to all who submitted applications this year.

Congressionally Directed Spending Requests
The application window for Congressionally Directed Spending in Fiscal Year 2025 is now closed. A guide to Congressionally Directed Spending can be found here.

To submit a Congressionally Directed Spending Request, use the links below to complete the relevant subcommittee application:

Programmatic Funding Requests
(NOTE: Only fill out these forms if you are requesting money for a federal program. Do NOT use these forms if you are requesting funding specifically for an organization or town.)
To find an example request form for all agencies EXCEPT the Department of Defense, click here
To find an example programmatic appropriations request for the Department of Defense, click here.

Wins for Connecticut
Bringing funding back to Connecticut is the main reasons I joined the Senate Appropriations Committee. And in the past years we’ve had some major successes. In the past two years,  I secured $380 million in Congressionally Directed Spending to support Connecticut organizations. In addition, we have increased funding for Long Island Sound, rail projects, defense manufacturing, education and health programs across Connecticut. For more information on these wins for Connecticut, visit the CT Fund Finder.

As part of the Congressionally Directed Spending process, my office is required to disclose all the requests I submit to the Appropriations Committee. My requests are available below: