WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) called on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Friday to continue supporting the American floral and horticulture industry. In a letter to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, Murphy emphasized the importance of supporting the America’s floricultural industry. Murphy urged USDA to feature American flowers at government events, launch public relations campaigns, and fully fund programs that support flower farmers.

In Connecticut, over 1,700 nurseries, landscapers, perennial growers, and landscape designers support 30,000 local jobs and more than $800 million in economic activity each year.

“I write to you today to ask for your continued support of the American floriculture industry. Today—Valentine’s Day—is the number one holiday for florists and floral purchases, representing 30% of all transactions for the year. In 2019, 28% of American adults purchased flowers or plants as gifts for Valentine’s Day, according to the IPSOS Floral Tracking Study. This year, the National Retail Federation estimates $2.3 billion will be spent on Valentine’s Day floral products, meaning lots of romantic gifts, but also important job-creating revenue for U.S. floral producers, wholesalers, and retailers in both urban and rural areas.” wrote Murphy.

The full text of the letter here and below:

The Honorable Sonny Perdue

Secretary of Agriculture

United States Department of Agriculture

1400 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, D.C. 20250

Dear Secretary Perdue,

I write to you today to ask for your continued support of the American floriculture industry. Today—Valentine’s Day—is the number one holiday for florists and floral purchases, representing 30% of all transactions for the year. In 2019, 28% of American adults purchased flowers or plants as gifts for Valentine’s Day, according to the IPSOS Floral Tracking Study. This year, the National Retail Federation estimates $2.3 billion will be spent on Valentine’s Day floral products, meaning lots of romantic gifts, but also important job-creating revenue for U.S. floral producers, wholesalers, and retailers in both urban and rural areas.

In 2018, floriculture and nursery products accounted for $14.5 billion in wholesale value.  In my home state of Connecticut, over 1,700 nurseries collectively gross more than $800 million annually for the farming, sale, and maintenance of fresh flowers and plants. Across the state, garden centers, landscapers, perennial growers, and landscape designers employ 30,000 people[1]. These businesses are an important part of our state’s agricultural economy and it is vital that the federal government continue to support this sector.

There are numerous ways USDA can continue to support the American floriculture industry, such as featuring American flowers at government events, launching public relations campaigns, and reaching out to growers and businesses to hear directly from them about the challenges they face. I also urge you to support full funding for the Floriculture Crops Report and the Floriculture and Nursery Research Initiative. Please continue your efforts to support American-grown products. I look forward to your response.                     


Christopher S. Murphy
