WASHINGTON–U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Sunday joined CBS News’ Face the Nation to discuss Republicans blocking a bipartisan deal to help fix the asylum system and deliver aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and Gaza, and prospects for passing a national security supplemental this week. Murphy also discussed the Biden Administration’s efforts to reduce civilian casualties in Gaza and pushed back on Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report.

On potential Senate passage of the national security supplemental, Murphy said: “I think we're going to pass the spending bill for Ukraine, we have already moved past several procedural hurdles that require 60 votes. I think there will be 60 votes in the end, and there has to be. On many days, Ukraine is firing one quarter of the artillery shells that Russia is. Some days, they are only interrupting half the missiles that are being sent at Ukrainian cities. We are on the precipice of a disaster for Ukraine and for the world.”

On Republicans’ blocking consideration of the bipartisan national security supplemental with border policy changes and asylum reform Murphy negotiated with U.S. Senators James Lankford (R-Okla.) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), he said: “As soon as Republicans realized that it was actually going to fix the border, they voted against it en masse because they want the border to remain chaotic because it helps President Trump and his reelection efforts.”

On the Biden Administration’s national security memo released last week, Murphy said: “The White House released a letter in which they made clear that if we approve new aid to Israel, they are going to make sure that it is used in compliance with U.S. and international human rights law, and I think that's incredibly important. Right now the level of civilian casualty inside Gaza is unacceptable. And it does not accrue to the national security goals of the United States, nor Israel because it is going to essentially keep Hamas in business inside Gaza and around the region as they use this grievance structure as a means to continue to recruit. So I do think that that clarification will be important. I think the President's willingness to speak up a little bit more strongly about the way in which this campaign is being conducted will likely have a change in the operational pace. And I think it's incredibly important for the United States and for Israel, for Hamas to be defeated, but for there to be a dramatic reduction in the number of civilians that are being killed.”

Murphy refuted Special Counsel Robert Hur’s characterization of the president, highlighting President Biden’s role in passing landmark legislation: “Listen, I'm somebody that's worked intimately with the President. I worked with him on the bipartisan gun bill. He was involved in every step of that process. Not only constructing the bill but winning individual Republican votes. It would not have passed if not for Joe Biden. And what has happened since we passed that bill? A 12% reduction in urban homicides in this country. There are literally thousands of people alive in this nation today because Joe Biden is incredibly competent, and he's incredibly effective. And this partisan hit job by somebody that is looking for a better job in the next Trump administration is not going to dissuade Americans who actually see what the real world impact on their lives is of Joe Biden's administration.”

Murphy continued: “This President is going to be able to sell a record that is extraordinary. Unemployment at record lows, factory construction booming, crime down, inflation under control, and he is also somebody that has been the only one member of our party who has effectively beaten Donald Trump in a general election. So I know that he is ready for this campaign. I have seen how effective he has been up close and personal. And I'm not going to let my constituents be distracted by a special prosecutor who's trying to gain favor within the MAGA movement.”