WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Monday applauded the news that the New Haven Free Public Library (NHFPL) was named one of the 15 library finalists for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Medal for Museum and Library Service. Murphy nominated the library for the award based on their institutional commitment to New Haven. Each year, five museums and five libraries are awarded for their exceptional contributions to their communities. National Medal winners will be announced later this spring. 

“I nominated the New Haven Free Public Library for this award because of their unmatched commitment to serving the New Haven community. NHFPL has gone above and beyond to offer innovative 21st Century programing to fit the diverse needs of New Haven residents. I’m so excited the IMLS is recognizing and celebrating their great work,” said Murphy. 

“We are honored by U.S. Senator Christopher Murphy’s nomination and proud that the New Haven Free Public Library has been named a finalist for the 2019 National Medal for Museum and Library Service,” said City Librarian Martha Brogan. “Our application emphasized the civic-minded fighting spirit of our founders which continues to this day, our training with EXCITE Transformation for Libraries – originally funded by IMLS in a grant to the CT State Library – and our new Strategic Framework, along with highlights of a few of our exemplary programs and partnerships including READy for the Grade, Long Wharf Theatre, and Ives Squared anchor role in the Elm City Innovation Collaborative.” 
