WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) today welcomed the team of 26 cyclists to the United States Capitol after their nearly 400 miles ride from Newtown, Connecticut. The 26 cyclists, one for ever life lost at Sandy Hook Elementary, have ridden to Washington in support of common sense solutions to prevent gun violence. Sen. Murphy released the following statement:

This incredible team of parents, teachers, veterans, and many more has sent a message loud and clear to people across the country that the time for common sense gun reform is now. Today they bring that message straight to the U.S. Congress. We know that passing common sense gun reform will be tough, but with strong grassroots efforts like the Sandy Hook Ride on Washington, Congress will get that message and we will get this done.

The cyclists and supporters of Team 26 have been true leaders in this fight, and I’m in awe of their courage and determination. My sincerest thanks goes to all those who have worked to make this ride a success, and to the millions of Americans working to make our country a safer place.
