WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released a statement on Wednesday after voting against advancing the Senate Republican tax plan. The bill will give massive tax breaks to large corporations and the wealthiest individuals while raising taxes on working families, and was developed without any input from Democrats. 

“For years I’ve called for bipartisan reforms that simplify the tax code, eliminate loopholes and cut taxes for people who need it. But this bill goes out of its way to heap tax giveaways on the wealthy and big businesses while adding more than a trillion dollars to the debt. I cannot and will not vote to advance a bill that jeopardizes future generations’ Social Security or Medicare to finance tax breaks for our country’s richest. I am begging my Republican colleagues to hit pause on this attempt to ram through a partisan bill, and sit down with us to work on bipartisan tax reform that will actually be good for the country.”
