WASHINGTON—U.S Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, and U.S. Representative Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.), Acting Ranking Member of the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, on Thursday sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem raising concerns about the implementation and funding of recent Executive Actions affecting the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Murphy and Underwood emphasize the consequences of prioritizing civil immigration enforcement over national security threats and call for transparency on DHS’s compliance with existing laws, funding decisions, and policy changes.

Full text of the letter is available HERE and below:

Dear Secretary Noem,  

The recent Executive Actions direct significant changes across the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with potentially grave implications for the DHS mission, its employees, American communities, and for the resources provided by Congress in prior fiscal years (FY). Given the consequences of prioritizing civil immigration enforcement over the prevention of future attacks against the United States, we have several questions relating to the execution and implementation of the identified subject areas below. We request the information and responses by March 5, unless otherwise indicated.

Specifically, we ask for:

  1. Written updates on the status of DHS’s review of grants for non-governmental organizations pursuant to the Presidential Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies entitled “Advancing United States Interests When Funding Nongovernmental Organizations” (February 6, 2025).
  2. Written updates on the status of DHS’s compliance with current law relating to requests for assistance to the Department of Defense (DOD), specifically whether DHS complied with the requirement to conduct an ‘alternatives analysis’ and a cost-benefit analysis as specified.2
  3. Written updates on the status of DHS’s compliance with the Ms. L, et al. vs. ICE, et al. court settlement regarding family separation. Additionally, please provide responses relating to the questions below on any funding agreements DHS has signed since January 20, 2025.
  4. Please provide written copies of all DHS or component specific memorandums and field guidance that cover the implementation of the Executive Actions and other policy changes that impact DHS signed since January 20, 2025.
    1. To the extent detailed funding implications are not covered in the memos or guidance (as described below), please provide responses to the following:
      1. If using current or prior year funds to execute the Executive Actions, please identify by Executive Action(s), the directed action within such Executive Action(s), the funding source(s) (by account/Program Project Activity), and total amount(s); and
      2. If additional resources are needed, please identify the type of resources (e.g., personnel, assets, etc.), the Executive Action(s) supported through these resources, anticipated amount(s) and source(s) for those funds, including whether Congress should anticipate a budget amendment to FY 2025.

Please specify whether DHS, or any component, plan to make any changes from direction provided in the FY 2024 enacted appropriations bill (P.L. 118-47, Division C) and the accompanying Joint Explanatory Statement regarding the purpose(s) for funding provided, including any level(s) specified, such as hiring levels, detention beds, etc. during the period of the continuing resolution.

  1. If so, when will DHS provide notice to the Committees on these changes?
  2. What quantifiable measures does DHS, or any component, plan to use to assess the results of the Executive Actions issued after January 20, 2025?
  3. Do any funds Congress provided for the Shelter and Services Program (SSP), Citizenship and Integration Grant Program, and the Case Management Pilot Program remain frozen or paused?
    1. If funds for these programs remain frozen or paused, please explain the statutory authority permitting DHS to freeze or pause Congressionally appropriated funding and the process and timeline for DHS to make those funds available to recipients.
    2. Please provide a timeline of any actions taken related to the funding freeze or pause, as well as how the review of these programs has been handled.
    3. Please provide a copy of any additional departmental guidance from DHS leadership related to these funds.
  4. Please provide written copies of all external funding agreements DHS has entered since January 20, 2025, including interagency agreements, federal partnership agreements, and agreements with non-federal entities, to include agreements with state, local, and tribal governments.

In conclusion, as we move forward in the 119th Congress we trust that the transparency, communication, and commitment to work with our Committees will continue as it has in prior Administrations. We look forward to your response and your response to our joint letter to you from February 14th that is past our requested deadline.

