WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), a member of the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, released a statement on Thursday after Senate Republicans released their updated health care repeal bill. Just like the original version, the bill would raise costs and worsen care. It would charge sick people more for health care, gut Medicaid, force millions of people to lose their health insurance, and prevent people from accessing much-needed treatment for addiction amid the opioid crisis. Senate Republicans continue to try to force the bill through Congress without any hearings, amendments, and debates after weeks of secret, partisan negotiations. 

“Trumpcare 4.0 is a disaster for Connecticut, just like every previous version. And in some ways, it actually might be worse. Millions will lose their health insurance. Sick and older people will see costs skyrocket. Protections for people with pre-existing conditions will be gutted with insurance companies put back in charge. After two weeks of more secret negotiations, basically nothing’s changed,” said Murphy. “Connecticut residents can’t afford for Congress to continue to put their health care at risk. Republicans need to drop this bill and sit down with Democrats to improve care and lower costs.”

Murphy has repeatedly called on Senate Republicans to abandon their harmful bill and work with Democrats to improve health care.