WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released the following statement after officially being sworn in on Thursday for his second term representing Connecticut in the U.S. Senate. Video footage of the swearing in ceremony can be found here.

“Serving in the United States Senate has been the honor of my life. I grew up in Connecticut, my parents grew up in Connecticut, and my grandparents grew up in Connecticut. The state means so much to me, and that's why I go to extraordinary lengths to listen to every single person and every single family to make sure I'm fighting for the things that Connecticut cares about,” said Murphy. “Starting today, I’ll be hitting the ground running. One of the first bills I plan to introduce is the universal background checks bill to keep our kids safe from gun violence. I’ll keep up my work to build good-paying manufacturing jobs in our state and protect the Affordable Care Act from President Trump's attacks. And I’ll continue to push for a progressive foreign policy that invests in smart power – diplomacy, economic development, and humanitarian assistance – to keep us safe and head off conflicts before they require costly military interventions."

“Our country has been through a tough two years, and it angers me that I will be sworn in amidst a partial government shutdown created by an inflexible, unpredictable president. But time and time again, when demagogues and dividers challenge our democratic norms, American democracy has proved resilient. I was inspired by the millions of Americans who rose up and made their voices heard last November, and I’m coming back to the Senate on a mission to channel that energy to get things done for Connecticut and the country,” Murphy added.

Murphy will continue to serve on the following committees: U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.

