WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Chairman of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs, released the following statement on the United States' new commitment to support the Ukrainian people, and the need to prepare new sanctions against Russia:

There is no need to mince words here; Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began months ago, and the major reinforcement of Russian military forces in eastern Ukraine that we have seen recently is simply a continuation of Putin’s aggression. This build-up, which includes moving new trucks, tanks, artillery and military into Ukraine, is a blatant violation of the September 5 ceasefire signed in Minsk and cannot be tolerated by the European Union or the United States.

I support the Administration's latest efforts to support Ukraine. New funding will go a long way towards cracking down on corruption in the region and making sure those displaced by this crisis stay healthy. As I've said, providing diplomatic and humanitarian aid and solutions should be the focus of U.S. intervention abroad.

However, because President Putin has completely disregarded the ceasefire he agreed to, we have every reason to believe that he is preparing a new military offensive to take control of the key industrial regions of eastern Ukraine. His refusal to deescalate the situation is alarming, but not unfamiliar, and in response, we must be prepared to use the tools at our disposal to pressure the Russian government to fully withdraw troops and end this crisis. Europe and the United States should simultaneously prepare new sanctions targeted at those responsible for the violence and provide the Ukrainian military with the equipment and defensive lethal weaponry needed to deter a full-scale invasion.

The Ukrainian parliament must also do its part and immediately pass anti-corruption and economic reforms. The support announced today will help them do just that. Ukrainians have protested, sacrificed, fought, and died so their country could be free from corruption and fully independent from the Kremlin. Strengthening the integrity of Ukrainian institutions remains the best way to guard against future manipulation by Russia, and will give the United States the necessary confidence to continue our financial, military, and humanitarian support.