WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today released the following statement on the President’s recent waffling on his support for background checks legislation:

We’ve been here before, after Parkland, when the President made a commitment on background checks and then backed away after being lobbied by the NRA. I spoke to President Trump last week and he expressed support for working together with Republicans and Democrats to come up with a background checks bill that can pass the Senate and save lives. Until I hear directly from him, I'm not willing to concede that history repeated itself and that he has walked away from the commitment he made. But it's time for Republicans and President Trump to decide whose side they’re on. Are they going to stand with the 90% of Americans who want universal background checks, or are they going to once again kowtow to the desires of the gun lobby?” said Murphy.

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