WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committees, on Friday released the following statement after the Trump administration officially announced that they are adding additional travel restrictions on Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Eritrea, Nigeria, Sudan and Tanzania: 

“President Trump’s decision to continue to go down this cruel path betrays who we are as a nation. People who live in these countries are not a threat to us simply because of the place they were born, and these senseless restrictions will devastate immigrant communities. People come to America with the hope of finding a better life, and in turn, they contribute to our economy and our society. This expansion of his Muslim Ban does nothing to make us safer, is antithetical to our values, and makes our society less resilient and less prosperous. I won’t stop fighting until Trump’s discriminatory bans are repealed,” said Murphy. 

The Trump Administration announced this afternoon that it is banning citizens of Nigeria, Eritrea, Myanmar, and Kyrgyzstan from applying for visas that allow them to immigrate to the United States and is barring Sudan and Tanzania from the Diversity Immigrant Visa (DIV) program. Senator Murphy previously introduced S. 246, which prohibits funding from being used to implement the existing Muslim Ban. 
