WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released the following statement on Tuesday after President Trump, joined by head of the Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt, signed an executive order attempting to dismantle former President Obama’s Clean Power Plan to cut carbon emissions and curb global warming.

“People in Connecticut know the danger climate change poses to our economy, security, and way of life. This executive order aims to unravel years of progress we’ve made to curb pollution, protect our air and water, and speed-up the adoption of clean energy technologies around the world.  Future generations will judge President Trump for this attack on our health and our safety,” said Murphy. “The Republican party is going to extraordinary lengths to deny that this meteor that is global warming is careening toward us. My kids won’t be able to solve this problem if we don’t tackle it right now because in 20 years, it will be too late."

Murphy, along with U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine), authored the Super Pollutants Act of 2015 – the Senate’s only bipartisan bill to combat climate change in the previous session of Congress. The bill would reduce short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) in the atmosphere by enabling federal agencies to work with the business and non-profit communities to speed the adoption of SLCP-reducing technologies and policies, while supporting American-led innovations.
