WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) issued the following statement regarding the third anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting:

“We grieve today, as we have every single day since that soul crushing December morning.  

“We remember the little ones, and marvel at what they were, and what they could have become. We recall with awe those brave educators, who tried to protect them, and perished in the effort.  

“And we never stop searching for answers. Why did it happen? Did it have to happen? What can we do, now, to make sure it never happens again?  

“Today, we stop, and consider the fickle, fleeting nature of life. We pledge to be more patient, more gentle, more forgiving, to both strangers and those we love.  

“And we pledge to honor the memory of that awful day, three years ago, by never ever giving up in our quest to make our country a safer, kinder place – no matter the obstacles, the setbacks, or the roadblocks we find along the way.