WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) issued the following statement on Friday on the sixth anniversary of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

“Today is an awful day. I’ll think a lot about my youngest son, who went off to his first grade classroom this morning, as I remember the precious children and brave educators whose lives were unimaginably taken six years ago. I’ve had the honor of representing, and becoming friends with, many of the families of the victims,” said Murphy.  “Nothing we do can ever bring those kids back, but we should be inspired by Newtown’s efforts to make the world a kinder, more loving place. We can reach out to one another and help those in need. This morning, I’m delivering meals to families in need in New Haven. I hope everyone takes some time to do their own act of kindness – big or small – in their communities.”

“We will never stop remembering, and honoring, and fighting for the lives senseless lost six years ago. We have to keep going. For me, that means I will never give up trying to change our broken gun laws to keep our kids safe from gun violence. A national movement for stronger gun laws started six years ago today, and today I feel more confident than ever before that Congress will listen and act on changing our gun laws next year. We would not be here without the voices of so many of the family members from Newtown who want us to honor their loved ones with action,” Murphy added.

