WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Wednesday released the following statement on the tenth anniversary of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School:

"The nation is a different place, ten years since twenty innocent children and six dedicated educators were senselessly killed inside Sandy Hook Elementary School. Mostly today, I will think of all the greatness and beauty that was robbed from this world, when these promising lives were cut short. Mostly, I will spend my day today sending every good thought I have to the family members who lost loved ones that day, to the survivors of the shooting, to the first responders, and to the community of Newtown that will never be the same. But also today, I will be thankful. I will be thankful for all the good that has resulted from this horror. Those parents, and the community of Newtown, have chosen to rise from that tragedy and build dozens of efforts that have changed lives for the better all over our nation. And many in Newtown have helped build the modern anti-gun violence movement, that finally this summer achieved the first federal gun safety bill in almost thirty years. 

“Today, I'm so sad for what we lost. But I'm also so inspired and hopeful for all the grace and kindness that has grown out of tragedy, and for all that will come in the future."
