WASHINGTON–U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Friday released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn forty years of precedent in striking down the Chevron doctrine. Since the 1973 Chevron ruling, the judiciary has deferred to a federal agency’s interpretation of legislation.

“Today’s ruling is further proof that the right-wing justices of the Supreme Court believe they know best – better than Congress, better than the issue experts, and better than the American people. Their priority is serving the political agenda of their rich, extremist donors, even if that means overturning forty years of precedent once again.

“It’s impossible to overstate the devastating impacts this decision will have on every facet of our lives. From abortion rights to clean air and water regulations to workplace safety, unelected judges masquerading as politicians will get final say over the scientists, doctors, economists, and experts at federal agencies. It gives the gun lobby an open invitation to take down rules from the ATF and DOJ to expand background checks, stop the proliferation of ghost guns, and effectively implement the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.

“It’s never been clearer that this is a radical court hellbent on enacting an extremist agenda by any means necessary,” said Murphy.
