WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released the following statement regarding reports that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) monitored communications of three sitting French presidents.

“If confirmed, reports regarding the NSA’s eavesdropping on former Presidents of France are further evidence of the past overreach of U.S. security agencies. U.S. surveillance programs require greater oversight and restraint. Our government can keep Americans safe without sacrificing our founding principles and the trust of our closest allies. The sorts of activities detailed in these reports were ended under the Obama Administration, and they should remain firmly in the past. In times of war and fear, the United States has at times overreached out of an understandable desire to protect its citizens. However, I am heartened that we have consistently corrected our mistakes and returned to the democratic principles of liberty, justice, and equality which we are proud to share with the people of France.”