WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released the following statement on today’s Quinnipiac Poll showing that a large majority of Connecticut voters support stronger gun legislation:

No family should ever have to suffer the kind of horrific tragedy that struck Newtown on December 14th, and people in Connecticut know that bold, common sense gun reform will help prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again. By overwhelming margins, the people of Connecticut support these reforms, and it’s up to members of Congress to do the right thing and make some serious improvements to our miserably inadequate gun laws.

If these common sense laws had been on the books years ago, there would be more people alive in Tucson and Aurora, and on our city streets. If stronger measures had been in place in December, more little boys and girls would be alive in Newtown today. These numbers may speak for themselves on paper, but now is the time to step up and pass these reforms. The people of Connecticut and responsible gun owners everywhere are with us. It’s time to get it done.