WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Thursday released the following statement on prospects for gun violence prevention legislation: 

“The president and I had a conversation some weeks ago in which he expressed a desire to pass a meaningful background checks reform bill. As we speak, we are in discussions with the White House about just that: legislation that would include significant changes to our background checks system to make sure that more gun sales are subject to background checks. The White House is at the table and I continue to see a path where good legislation emerges that the president supports and can pass the Senate. Maybe we won't get there, but it's good news that we’re still sitting down and talking about legislation,” said Murphy. 

You can watch the full interview on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell here. Last week, Murphy gave a press conference read out of the latest state of play on this legislation. Murphy had an op-ed published in the Hill following the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. 
