WASHINGTON – Today U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs, released the following statement on the United States’ recently announced international sanctions, and President Obama’s comments regarding a referendum on Crimea’s independence:

After nearly a week of strong international condemnation, it seems clear that the only way that the Russian government is going to change course in Ukraine is if they believe there will be serious consequences for their acts of aggression. President Obama’s actions today – moving forward to impose visa bans and restrict the assets of those who threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine – are a good start, demonstrating that the United States intends to crack down on illegal intervention into Ukraine. But the United States likely can’t change the situation on the ground alone. We need the help of our European allies to change the calculus in Moscow, and hopefully we will see strong sanctions from Europe in the coming days.


I also echo the President’s assertion that today’s referendum on Crimea’s independence without the approval of the national parliament is in violation of Ukraine’s constitution and international law. This regional referendum, undertaken while Russian troops occupy Ukrainian territory, has absolutely no legitimacy absent the approval of Ukraine’s elected leaders, and the international community must stand united in denouncing it.