WASHINGTON —Today, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), leader of the Senate Democrats’ #ACAWorks Campaign, released the following statement after Access Health CT (AHCT) announced that they enrolled 204,358 new individuals in affordable health coverage through the state’s healthcare exchange during the second open enrollment period, which closed February 15, 2015. AHCT greatly exceeded their 2015 goal of enrolling 70,000 new individuals.

“Connecticut, once again, is leading the pack on ACA implementation and enrollment. Access Health CT’s new enrollment numbers have exceeded expectations and show what can happen - and how well the Affordable Care Act can work - when we expand Medicaid and provide people with accessible and consumer-friendly platforms to obtain health insurance. Thanks to the ACA and the hard work of the Access Health CT team, thousands of people in Connecticut finally have access to affordable health care regardless of preexisting conditions, gender, or income level. While there are still some fixes we can make to improve the law, we should celebrate today’s good enrollment news from Connecticut.”