WASHINGTON— Today, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released the following statement on the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee’s passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

It’s frankly amazing that in this day and age in some parts of the country that you can be fired for having a picture of your spouse on your desk at work. It’s time for Congress to pass ENDA, and today’s HELP Committee vote is a big step in the right direction. Far too many of our friends and neighbors have been harassed at work, denied promotions, and even fired because of who they love. And while some states, including Connecticut, have already established protections for LGBT individuals in the workplace, the majority of states have not, leaving the door wide open to future cases of discrimination without consequences. Discrimination in the workplace is a civil rights issue, plain and simple, and no one should be treated differently at work because of who they are. Today’s HELP Committee passage of ENDA is also a historic one because it includes protections for transgender people. I was proud to vote to pass this bill and proud to be a part of this historic day. I’ll be working hard to make sure this passes on the floor of the Senate as soon as possible.
