WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released a statement on Thursday after the Republican-majority Federal Communications Commission announced the repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules that currently ban telecom companies from blocking, prioritizing, or slowing down certain websites and applications. The rules sought to protect the internet as an open and level playing field.

“Imagine if the power company could decide which of your appliances got steady, reliable electricity while all other products suffered from low power and blackouts. Or if the water company could throttle back your water supply if they thought your shower was too long. The reason we regulate utilities is exactly so they can’t play those games—we don’t allow them to play favorites with consumers or providers. But that’s exactly what President Trump’s FCC just did with the internet – broadband providers and big businesses will make a bunch of money, but consumers, small businesses, and startups could be hit hard,” said Murphy.

“The internet is at its best when it’s open and accessible to anyone or any business. The success of your business, website or ideas shouldn’t be based on whether you have enough cash to pay off your cable company. We need to bring back net neutrality and keep the internet free and open,” Murphy added.
