WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released the following statement on President Barack Obama’s plan to issue an Executive Order that prohibits discrimination by federal contractors on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.

For too long, our friends, neighbors, and family members have faced unconscionable discrimination at work because of who they love. Despite the fact that federal contractors have been barred for nearly 75 years from making employment decisions based on race, creed, color, and national origin, protections for LGBT individuals have been virtually non-existent. Employers shouldn’t be able to discriminate against people in the workplace because of what they look like, where they’re from, or who they choose to love.

The President’s action today demonstrates the kind of leadership I called for with my colleagues last March. While I’m glad this Executive Order will prevent discrimination by federal contractors, what this country really needs is final passage of the Employee Non-Discrimination Act. Frankly, passage of this common-sense legislation is embarrassingly long overdue. In Connecticut, we've had anti-discrimination laws on the books for over 20 years. The Senate already did its part and passed the bill with bipartisan support. Now, it’s up to House leadership to do the right thing and take up this bill. Two-thirds of the American public supports it. Fifty years from now, history is going to judge those who oppose this bill no less harshly than those who opposed our landmark civil rights laws in the 1960's. Who you love, who you are inside, and what you feel should never ever be a reason for discrimination.