WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Friday released the following statement on the Department of Homeland Security’s proposed rule to allow statutory bars to asylum to be applied earlier in the asylum process. This change will enable DHS to more quickly remove individuals who pose a risk to U.S. national security and are not eligible for asylum.

“It’s no secret that our asylum system is not working, which is why I spent months negotiating a bipartisan border bill that would give the President new tools to better manage the border and make our asylum system more efficient. Republicans killed that bill because they are more interested in using the border as a political talking point than they are in fixing the problem. While I understand the pressure the Biden administration is facing, the only way to actually fix our broken asylum system is through congressional action. I urge my Republican colleagues to work with Democrats to solve these challenges, rather than kowtowing to Donald Trump.”
