WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released the following statement today after the Senate voted to confirm B. Todd Jones to be Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF):

For seven years, the ATF has been without a permanent director. In that time, our country has seen some of the most horrific acts of gun violence, including in my home state of Connecticut. We need someone to take the helm at the ATF permanently—not just on a temporary basis. The ATF is one of our country's most critical law enforcement agency fighting to keep our streets and our schools safer, and we need someone at the helm there for longer than just a few months at a time. One of the major voices in the conversation on how to reduce gun violence will continue to be hamstrung until that occurs.

B. Todd Jones is an incredibly well qualified candidate for Director of the ATF. During his career as a U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota, Mr. Jones spent much of his time successfully working on cases that dealt with drug trafficking, firearms and violent crime. He has gained the support of groups on both sides of the gun control debate, and for the last two years, he has successfully led the ATF as acting director. But he has been limited by his temporary status. I was proud to cast my vote to confirm Mr. Jones and will continue to work with him toward real progress on reducing gun violence—something the overwhelming majority of Americans want now.
