WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement on Monday after meeting privately with Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson: 

“I appreciate that Rex Tillerson made the time to meet with me this evening ahead of Wednesday’s hearing. We had a substantive, frank conversation in which I was up front about the numerous concerns I have about his nomination,” said Murphy. “I am looking for a Secretary of State with a breadth of diplomatic experience to balance Trump's lack of experience. I'm looking for a leader who will be an advocate for growing diplomacy as a tool in our national security toolkit, and who doesn’t shy away from confronting countries like Russia over increased aggression. I’m looking for someone who will be a voice for protecting international human rights, and who can lead progress on climate change. I remain unconvinced that Mr. Tillerson is a nominee that meets those standards, and I will continue to urge my colleagues to oppose his nomination.”