WASHINGTON – Ahead of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) announced on Monday the launch of his ‘Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Essay Challenge’. Murphy has invited elementary, middle, and high school students from across Connecticut to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by submitting essays that reflect on Dr. King’s dream and their own aspirations. Murphy will Skype with or visit the schools of the selected essay challenge winners. Selected essays will also be displayed in Murphy’s office in Washington, DC. 

“Dr. King taught us that full equality doesn't come without a fight. His leadership and passion united millions of Americans, and his legacy will live on forever because of it,” said Murphy. “I launched the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Essay Challenge this year because it’s clear, perhaps now more than ever before, that our work is not yet complete. I hope this challenge encourages young people all across Connecticut to commit to making Dr. King’s dream and the dreams of their own a reality.” 

Murphy encourages all Connecticut students to participate in the essay challenge. Full guidelines of Murphy’s ‘Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Essay Challenge’ are below:

Senator Chris Murphy Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Challenge Question

Recognizing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday as a Federal holiday was signed into law in 1983, taking effect 3 years later.  Since that time, on the third Monday of January every year we celebrate the life and dream of Dr. King, the impact he made on our nation, and the work that remains to be done to fulfill his vision. For this essay, students should reflect on what Dr. King’s dream was and what he would think about his dream today. Students should further answer what their own dream is and how it relates to the work of Dr. King.

  • Essays can be submitted electronically to Murphy’s staff at Thomas_Clarke@murphy.senate.gov or mailed to Murphy’s Hartford office at 120 Huyshope Ave., Hartford, CT 06106.  
  • Open to students K-12. 500-1000 words for high school students (grades 9-12), 300-500 words for middle school students (grades 6-8), 100-200 for elementary school students (grades K-5, pictures optional for elementary school submissions)
  • Deadline for submission: January 16, 2017