WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) announced on Monday that Element 119 in Thomaston is this week’s “Murphy’s Monday Manufacturer.” Element 119 specializes in the manufacturing of advanced ceramic coatings for the automotive, aircraft, and marine industries.

“Element 119 is leading the way in cutting edge coating, as we see their products on cars and helicopters all around the world. Their product is easy to clean and helps the consumer protect paintwork, saving them money down the road. I’m excited to see their continued growth in Connecticut’s manufacturing base, and look forward to helping support that growth however we can,” said Murphy.

“At Element 119 we believe that R&D should be at the core of business development, the path to growth is achieved through constantly developing new and innovative technologies,” says Andrew Zeppa, President of Element 119. “In order to capture the maximum share of the global market, Element 119 focuses heavily on leveraging new technology, lean manufacturing, and a brand people can count on. We've found our greatest resource to achieve these goals has been finding smart and enthusiastic employees in Connecticut willing to go the extra mile. We consider our staff family, and it is that sense of community that has helped us to continue strengthening our brand and expanding our reach."

Element 119 was founded in 2010 as a cutting edge coating business for companies like Sikorsky and Bombardier, which required an easy to clean, hand applied coating to protect paintwork around helicopter exhaust ports. This led to the creation of System X, a permanent ceramic coating. Almost a decade later, the company has expanded to over 1,000 clients, including companies like Whirlpool, Volvo, and Immaculate Flight. Over the past three years, Element 119 has grown over 120%, and due to rapid growth, the company plans to increase its workforce to 30 employees over the next two years. All of their ceramic coatings are manufactured in their facility in Thomaston.

The manufacturing industry plays a crucial role throughout Connecticut communities, creating new jobs and accelerating the state’s economic recovery. Today, Connecticut’s 4,600 manufacturers account for 10% of the state’s jobs and 87% of the state’s total exports. In order to protect and grow manufacturing jobs in Connecticut, Murphy has introduced two pieces of legislation that aim to strengthen existing standards and prioritize the purchase of American-made goods, theBuyAmerican.gov Act and the American Jobs Matter Act.
