WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) announced on Thursday that Infosys, a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting company, is “Murphy’s Innovator of the Month.” Earlier this month, Infosys inaugurated its Technology and Innovation Hub in Hartford, the latest milestone in the company’s effort to accelerate innovation for Connecticut enterprises and hire 1,000 American workers in the state by 2023. The Hartford Hub will have a focus on insurance, health care and manufacturing and serve as Infosys’ global Hub for Infosys’ InsurTech and HealthTech efforts. 

Infosys chose to expand its presence in Hartford due to the city’s position as the “Insurance Capital of the World” and Connecticut’s world-renowned academic institutions. To help its clients throughout the New England region with their digital transformations, Infosys is co-locating, co-innovating and co-creating alongside them—increasing the need for training and recruiting local talent.  

As part of its hiring commitment and broader workforce development efforts in Connecticut, Infosys recently partnered with Trinity College to create new educational programs that prepare liberal arts students for the digital workplace of the future. Infosys’ partnership with the liberal arts college will leverage Trinity College’s new space in downtown Hartford, showcasing technology and blending face-to-face personalized learning with Infosys’ virtual learning platform, Infosys LEX. 

“Infosys picked the right place to open their Technology and Innovation Hub. For years, Governor-elect Lamont has been working with Infosys leadership to bring them to Hartford, and I’m so glad they made this investment,” said Murphy. “Connecticut is home to the best students and innovators in the country. Infosys’ partnership with Trinity makes sure students will be in a great position to work in the expanding digital workplace. I’m excited to work with Infosys and happy to welcome them to Connecticut.” 

“We are humbled and honored to be recognized by Senator Murphy for our ongoing contributions to the State of Connecticut,” said Ravi Kumar, President, Infosys. “We look forward to continue working with our partners in Hartford and throughout the state and hope to transform Hartford into a technology hub and a destination for the technology workers of the future.” 

“I am delighted that Infosys has been recognized as a leading innovator. It’s a forward-looking organization, which values learning and providing transformative experiences. We value those things at Trinity, too, and we’re proud of the close partnership we’re forging with Infosys to build a unique talent pool that draws on the power of a liberal arts education. From its leadership’s vision to its investments in Hartford’s success, this is very well-deserved recognition for Infosys,” said Joanne Berger-Sweeney, President of Trinity College. 

Murphy believes entrepreneurship and innovation are building blocks for a strong economy. In the U.S. Senate, he has introduced two bipartisan pieces of legislation to incentivize angel investors to put more money into startup companies – the Angel Tax Credit Act and the Helping Angels Lead Our Startups (HALOS) Act. Startup companies create an average of 2 million jobs each year. 
