WASHINGTON—U.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) on this week applauded the passage of an amended version of their Living Shorelines Act, which passed out of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee on a bipartisan vote. Congressman Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, led the bill in the House.

“There’s nothing like summers on the Long Island Sound, but its vibrant shorelines are at risk. Sea levels are rising and storms are getting more dangerous, and every minute that goes by without action is a minute too long. I’m proud my colleagues on the Senate Commerce Committee passed legislation that Senator Harris and I wrote to send federal dollars to coastal towns to fund environmentally friendly projects to protect shoreline homes and businesses from rising sea levels. If we’re going to win this fight, we will have to be smart. I’m going to continue to fight to make sure this becomes law,” said Murphy.  

“Climate change is real and continues to threaten communities across our nation. In 2018, Senator Murphy and I introduced the Living Shorelines Act to invest in our coastal communities and protect them from rising sea levels and extreme storms through nature-based solutions. I thank my colleagues in the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee for passing our bill and investing in future generations,” said Harris.

The Living Shorelines Act, as amended, authorizes $25 million to the National Sea Grant College Program and $25 million to the Resource Management Improvement Grants– all explicitly for the implementation of living shorelines projects. A separately amended version of the bill passed the House in 2019.  
