WASHINGTON – As debate over the Senate Republican health care plan to gut Medicaid, raise premiums, and dismantle the American health care system continues, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) invited Connecticut residents to Share Your Health Care Story and help illustrate the devastating impact the Republican health care bill would have on Connecticut families. The Senate Republican health care bill would leave 22 million more Americans uninsured by 2026 and cause premiums to skyrocket for middle class Americans nearing retirement. It would also reduce Medicaid spending by 35 percent by 2036 – forcing states to choose between cutting Medicaid, raising taxes on middle class families, or cutting other important state spending programs, like school funding – all to pay for a tax cut for the very wealthy. 

“Senate Republicans need to hear the real life stories about what this disaster of a bill would do to families. I’m collecting their stories to make sure their voices get heard,” said Murphy. “If you’re on Medicaid, you could lose your health insurance. If you’re older, you could be charged a whole lot more than others for the same exact plan. If you’re planning on having a baby or a loved one has a history of mental illness or addiction, insurance companies could once again deny you coverage. And even if you get your health insurance through your employer, you could be paying more for less care. Bottom line, the Republican health care bill would do nothing to bring down costs or improve the quality of health care. I’m determined to stop this bill, and stories of what’s at stake for families in Connecticut will help me make that case.”

Connecticut residents should share their story by visiting https://www.murphy.senate.gov/affordable-care-act or by calling Murphy’s office at (860) 549-8463.
