WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D), Doug Jones (D-Ala.) and Mike Braun (R-Ind.), on Tuesday introduced a bipartisan resolution recognizing the importance of diaper banks across the country. Diapers can be costly, and diaper banks provide them free of charge to families in need. Specifically, the senators acknowledged the important role diaper banks play in the aftermath of natural disasters, including Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, the California wildfires, and the floods in the Midwest. The resolution is also cosponsored by U.S. Senators Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Robert Casey (D-Penn.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Tina Smith (D-Minn.), Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), and Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.). 

National Diaper Bank Network is headquartered in New Haven, Connecticut. In 2017, the more than 300 nonprofit diaper banks and diaper pantries that are members of the National Diaper Bank Network helped more than 225,000 children in need receive diapers. 

“I’m proud that Connecticut is home to the National Diaper Bank Network. The work they do with over 300 nonprofits in their network is incredible,” said Murphy. “Diapers can be costly, and families shouldn’t have to struggle to buy them for their children. I’m proud to introduce this bipartisan resolution calling attention to the great work of the National Diaper Bank Network and diaper banks across the country.” 

“Moved by a strong belief in the dignity of life, public servants across the country have established diaper banks to assist families in need and to help parents in areas recently affected by natural disasters,” said Cramer. “These agencies, like Fargo’s Great Plains Food Bank, demonstrate how local communities can recognize and collectively resolve to meet the needs of the most vulnerable among us.” 

“One in three families in Alabama struggles to provide diapers for their children. Diaper bank organizations provide hope and help for families and children in need, and I’m grateful for the work these organizations do in Alabama and across the country,” said Jones. 

“As a proud father of four, I understand every parents desire to provide for their children,” said Braun. “Unfortunately, many American families do not have the means to provide the basic necessities for their children which is why resources, like Diaper Banks, are a great aid in providing families the relief they need to care for their children.” 

“Diaper need impacts one in three U.S. families who struggles to provide enough diapers to keep their baby clean, dry, and healthy,” said National Diaper Bank Network CEO Joanne Goldblum. “Many families simply do not earn enough to purchase the diapers their child needs to stay clean, dry and healthy. In fact, diapers alone can consume up to 14 percent of a low-income parent’s post-tax earnings. These situations become even worse in the aftermath of natural disasters. Numerous local diaper banks and committed volunteers across the country tirelessly serve their communities and work to end diaper need, but there is still much more to do. We are grateful for the Senators’ leadership and look forward to working with them to ensure that families have what they need to thrive.” 

“Thank you Senator Murphy and the entire Senate membership for recognizing the impact of diaper need." said Janet Stolfi Alfano, Executive Director of the Diaper Bank of Connecticut. "The Diaper Bank of Connecticut has distributed over 24 million diapers since we started in 2004. While that is a significant accomplishment, we aren’t meeting all of the need in our state. There are almost 50,000 infants and toddlers who experience diaper need in Connecticut. Thank you for this resolution to raise awareness about the issue of diaper need, to encourage diaper drives, and to promote financial support to diaper banks and organizations around the country that are working to End Diaper Need. We are grateful for your leadership and look forward to your continued work for the health and well-being of children and families.” 

Audrey Symes, a Darien resident and longtime volunteer with the National Diaper Bank Network, said, “Advocacy is a critical component of diaper need alleviation; once people know how easy and effective it is to donate diapers, they jump at the chance to do so. As a longtime volunteer for the National Diaper Bank Network, it has been my privilege to witness the power of advocacy firsthand. I have collected shopping bags filled to the brim with diapers and given to me by moms who know how essential it is to have an adequate supply. I have seen towns come together to fight diaper need; led by the indefatigable Westport Moms Group, who have made diaper donation their signature Mother's Day event, the town of Westport has donated thousands of diapers to the Diaper Bank of Connecticut. I am deeply grateful to Senator Murphy as well as cosponsoring Senators Roberts, Cramer, Braun, Tillis, Casey and Jones for recognizing this issue and honoring the dedication and hard work of diaper bank volunteers nationwide.” 

Full text of the resolution can be found here. 
