WASHINGTON—U.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), all members of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on Thursday introduced legislation to clarify and strengthen U.S. policy in support of a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Libya.

The Libya Stabilization Act would place sanctions on individuals fueling violence in the country, require a report on foreign government involvement, and require a strategy to counter Russian influence. The bill would also marshal U.S. resources, including humanitarian assistance, to support the Libyan people and an eventual unified Libyan government.

“Absent sustained engagement by the United States, the security vacuum in Libya will continue to give space to operate for terrorists and extremists and deepen the country’s humanitarian crisis. The Libya Stabilization Act will telegraph to the world that the United States is committed to achieving peace in the country, and that we’re ready to hold Khalifa Haftar or any bad actors who seek to fuel violence accountable,” said Murphy.

“The conflict in Libya is a humanitarian crisis that continues to fuel instability and present opportunities for extremist groups in the region,” said Coons. “The United States should play a constructive role in ending the war and stemming the regional and international repercussions of the violence. My hope is that the bipartisan Libya Stabilization Act will strengthen the Administration’s efforts to bring about a diplomatic solution in Libya and signal to parties on the ground that the United States is committed to supporting peace and stability for the Libyan people.”

“I am pleased to be a part of this bipartisan effort to focus on a peaceful solution to the conflict in Libya,” said Graham. “Our goal is to prevent the Libyan conflict from spreading and allowing the entire region to become breeding ground for terrorists.  I appreciate Senator Coons’ hard work and am glad to join him in this effort to end the conflict and promote stability for the Libyan people.”

“It is in America’s, and our allies’ interest, to have a stable and secure Libya. That is why we should be actively engaged in working to foster a resolution to the ongoing conflict,”said Rubio.“This bill is an important step in holding accountable those actors, both domestic and foreign, who are destabilizing Libya and supporting a diplomatic solution to the conflict as well as the Libyan people.”

For text of the legislation, please click here.
