WASHINGTON–U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Central Asia, and Counterterrorism, on Wednesday condemned Iran’s public executions and called for swift passage of a resolution commending the bravery, courage, and resolve of the women and men of Iran demonstrating in more than 80 cities and risking their safety to speak out against the Iranian regime's human rights abuses.

“I strongly condemn the gruesome public executions carried out by Iran, which serve as a harsh reminder of the nature of this regime. More than 16,000 Iranian protestors have been detained – mostly young people and women, who have been at the forefront of this movement – and at least eleven are currently facing the death sentence. The courage of the Iranian people putting their lives at risk for freedom is nothing short of extraordinary. The Senate should pass this bipartisan resolution to demand justice and make sure the world doesn’t lose focus on the horrific abuses taking place in Iran. Just as we stood together with the people of Ukraine during their revolution of dignity, the United States must continue standing with the people of Iran and call on Iranian authorities to immediately end their violence against protestors and release all unjustly detained citizens,” said Murphy.
