Washington, DC – U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released the following letter to Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Karl Schultz seeking information on racial disparities at the Coast Guard Academy.

We are grateful for the efforts of the USCG to address these issues and the vital role the USCG has in protecting U.S. citizens from harm.  However, we hear from constituents and from public reports of continuing, troubling problems that must be addressed systematically and fully.  Only through a thorough discussion of these concerns and concrete positive steps can the USCG attain its goals of fair and equal treatment of all,” the letter states.

The letter follows a similar request made today by Congressmen Joe Courtney (CT-2), Elijah Cummings (MD-7) and Bennie G. Thompson (Miss.-2). The letter joins in the House members’ request to review documents related to allegations of harassment and bullying at the Academy and for a briefing from the Coast Guard on steps taken to respond to racial concerns, including disparities reported in the Equity Scorecard.

Full text of the letter is copied below.

June 13, 2018

Admiral Karl Schultz
United States Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue S.E.
Washington, D.C.  20593

Dear Admiral Schultz:

We write to congratulate you on your confirmation as Commandant of the United States Coast Guard (USCG).  In your new capacity as Commandant, it is critical you address the Coast Guard’s efforts to increase diversity in the Academy and improve academic outcomes of all cadets.  We join in the request by Representatives Courtney, Cummings, and Thompson for information regarding these efforts.  We would appreciate your inviting us to participate in any congressional briefing on these issues, as requested in the June 13, 2018 letter.  Finally, we value the commitment you stated to addressing allegations surrounding discrimination and sexual assault at the Academy during your confirmation hearing on April 17, 2018.  We would appreciate your continued cooperation in addressing any allegations involving disparate and unfair treatment of staff and cadets based on race, sex and other characteristics. 

We are grateful for the efforts of the USCG to address these issues and the vital role the USCG has in protecting U.S. citizens from harm.  However, we hear from constituents and from public reports of continuing, troubling problems that must be addressed systematically and fully.  Only through a thorough discussion of these concerns and concrete positive steps can the USCG attain its goals of fair and equal treatment of all.  

We look forward to your response. 



RICHARD BLUMENTHAL                                                     
United States Senate

United States Senate
