HARTFORD – Today, U.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), along with U.S. Representatives John Larson (D-1), Joe Courtney (D-2), and Rosa DeLauro (D-3) announced a more than $1 billion contract from the Air Force to Pratt & Whitney to develop next generation military fighter engine technology. As part of the Air Force’s Adaptive Engine Transition Program (AETP), Pratt & Whitney will design, develop, fabricate, and test complete adaptive engines. For more information on the contract, click here.

“This is great news for Connecticut,” said Murphy. “The Air Force’s announcement is a testament to the dedication and skill of all employees at Pratt & Whitney. Their selection to design, build, and test the next generation of military fighter engines sends a strong statement about Connecticut’s unmatched contribution to America’s national security, and is an important reminder of the bright future in store for Connecticut’s aerospace industry and the dedicated men and women that support it.”

“This major aerospace contract is a huge boon to national security as well as jobs and economic progress in Connecticut,” Blumenthal said. “It shows that Connecticut continues to lead the nation in aerospace—because of a skilled, dedicated workforce that is second to none. Cutting edge technology and manufacturing are key to America's military air superiority—and Connecticut companies and workers will be helping achieve it through this contract.”

"This billion dollar contract from the Air Force is yet another major win for both Pratt & Whitney and the tens of thousands of men and women who make up Connecticut’s manufacturing ecosystem,” said Larson. “Pratt will now be able to build upon its already cutting-edge technology, ensuring it maintains its edge in the fighter engine market for years to come.  This is just the latest in a string of victories for Pratt, which is the sole developer of the engine for the F-35 and has recently secured contracts for the K-46 Tanker and the Long Range Strike Bomber. With these contracts in place, Connecticut's already robust manufacturing ecosystem will only grow stronger.”

“The announcement today by the Air Force that Pratt & Whitney will design and build the next generation of military fighter engines is a strong vote of confidence in the Connecticut defense manufacturing sector,” said Courtney. “This news is a testament to the exceptional workers at Pratt & Whitney who have been delivering the highest quality aviation technology for generations. Defense related manufacturing is a central part of our region’s economy, and the selection of Pratt &Whitney to lead this program will provide Connecticut with a significant boost for years to come.”

“This is a good day for the Connecticut economy and the hardworking men and women at Pratt & Whitney,” DeLauro said. “I am proud our state continues to play a central role in providing our armed forces with the necessary equipment to keep America safe. Connecticut has always been a state that builds, and we are stronger for it.”

As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Blumenthal helped secure $347.3 million in research and development funding for AETP in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, which recently passed the Senate with overwhelmingly bipartisan support. This AETP funding successfully meets the President’s budget request.