WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) today introduced a bill to prevent the over-taxation of individuals who telework in one state for companies located in another. The number of Americans telecommuting and working from home at least part-time has increased with technological advancements. Unfortunately, a patchwork of conflicting state tax rules burdens workers and discourages telecommuting. Representatives Jim Himes (CT-04), Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Elizabeth Esty (CT-05) and Chellie Pingree (ME-01) introduced companion legislation in the House. 

“It just makes no sense that our outdated tax system punishes and overtaxes Connecticut workers who telework from home for companies based in other states,” said Murphy. “Our bill will make workers’ lives easier by establishing one, simple standard and avoiding the conflicting patchwork of state tax rules.”

“It simply makes no sense that someone who works and lives in one state should have to pay taxes to another just because they telework,” Blumenthal said. “Teleworking offers flexible schedules to workers who need to care for family members or who have difficulty traveling, saves energy, and reduces congestion. As more and more people are teleworking, this commonsense bill would ensure that they aren’t penalized for finding a solution that works for them and for their employer.”