WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), U.S. Congressman Jim Himes (D-Conn.) and Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch lauded the announcement earlier this week of a $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to further recovery and resiliency efforts in Bridgeport following Superstorm Sandy. This funding was awarded through the Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery Program to help implement innovative resiliency projects proposed in the Rebuild by Design competition, including Resilient Bridgeport.

“Recovery from a storm of Hurricane Sandy’s magnitude has not been easy, but our state’s strength and resolve has carried us forward. This funding will help repair the significant damage caused by the storm. But almost more importantly, it will help Bridgeport prepare for the next one – a seemingly inevitable event given the tangible effects climate change is having on the Northeast. I’ll continue working with my colleagues to secure funding and pass legislation that will strengthen Connecticut’s infrastructure, and slow the pace of global warming,” Senator Murphy said.

“As we continue to recover from the worst storm in our region’s recent history, we must work to protect vulnerable coastal neighborhoods from future devastation,” Congressman Himes said. “Since Sandy, I have worked tirelessly with my colleagues and HUD to secure recovery and mitigation funding for our area, including for these innovative resiliency projects in Bridgeport. It is not enough that we reconstruct existing homes, businesses, and infrastructure – we must build them to withstand future disasters to better protect our citizens and prevent enormous economic and personal loss.”

“Nearly 18 months later, Bridgeport and other Connecticut coastal communities are still feeling the economic impact of Superstorm Sandy,” Senator Blumenthal said. “Even as we applaud this critical funding to help Bridgeport rebuild and recover, we must do more as a nation to address the long-term effects of climate change. Deadly, destructive storms are becoming the new normal and this is our last best chance to save the planet.”

“This is great news for our city,” said Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch. “We put forth a vision to make Bridgeport a city where in order to mitigate climate change, we’re creating green jobs while investing in the future to make our city a more resilient place for our kids and grandkids to live, work, and raise a family. These much needed funds will help us to continue doing just that. Thanks to Congressman Himes, Senator Blumenthal, Senator Murphy, Shaun Donovan and others at HUD for their confidence in the Park City.”