(Washington, DC) –Today, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (D-Conn.) will present the “2013 Outstanding 9-1-1 Call Center Award” to the Newtown Emergency Communications Center at the 10th Annual 9-1-1 Honors Gala in Washington, DC. The call center is receiving the award for “working without pause” on the day of the Newtown tragedy “to aid and inform emergency personnel, parents, and members of the community.” 

This morning, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) joined Blumenthal and Esty in congratulating the call center. 

“We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to the Newtown Emergency Communications Center staff for their courage on that tragic morning in December,” Murphy said.“They remained composed and resolute while handling some of the most horrifying emergency calls imaginable, managing the emergency response, and keeping the community informed. I congratulate the center on this most deserved award.”   

“Newtown emergency call center dispatchers – like other first responders – well deserve this great recognition for their immense bravery and strength in the face of unspeakable tragedy,” Blumenthal said.“No other emergency call center is more deserving. They provided endless comfort, care, and courage to the families and community so deeply hurt.” 

“Maureen Will, Jennifer Barocsi, Robert Nute and the entire team of the Newtown Emergency Communications Center are a shining example of the work dispatchers do to serve others,” Esty said.“On the darkest of days and in the most difficult of circumstances, Newtown’s dispatchers displayed the professionalism and commitment to community that is the core of emergency services. Their expertise, preparedness, sound judgment, and quick action to mobilize police, firefighters, and medical personnel made a difference. I’m incredibly pleased that they are being recognized for performing above and beyond the call of duty on that terrible day and on the days and weeks that followed.”