Hartford, CT—Today, U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Representatives John Larson (CT-1), Rosa DeLauro (CT-3), Jim Himes (CT-4), and Elizabeth Esty (CT-5) announced $1,500,333 in federal grants to members of the national NeighborWorks network serving Connecticut. The funding will support efforts to develop and preserve affordable housing, revitalize and sustain neighborhoods, and create jobs. 

“These federal dollars will increase access to affordable, high-quality housing in Connecticut while creating jobs and boosting our local economies,” said the delegation. “From Stamford to New Britain, NeighborWorks is on the forefront of building stronger, more resilient communities. We will continue to fight any callous attempts to cut this critical program so NeighborWorks organizations throughout Connecticut can continue to make a positive impact for years to come.”

A breakdown of the awards can be found below: 

NeighborWorks Organization Name                                                             Grant Award

Housing Development Fund, Inc.                                                                              $420,000

Mutual Housing Association of Greater Hartford, Inc.                                             $205,000

Mutual Housing Association of Southwestern Connecticut, Inc.                              $108,333

Neighborhood Housing Services of New Britain, Inc.                                               $115,000

Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven, Inc.                                               $227,000

Neighborhood Housing Services of Waterbury, Inc.                                                 $173,500

NeighborWorks New Horizons                                                                                  $251,500 

NeighborWorks America is a public nonprofit organization established by Congress in 1978 that supports and enhances a network of nearly 250 local and regional nonprofit partner NeighborWorks organizations that bring together residents, private-sector business leaders, and representatives of local government to support local solutions to community development and affordable housing in urban, suburban and rural communities.
