Hartford,CT—Today, U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and U.S. Representatives Rosa DeLauro (CT-3), John Larson (CT-1), Joe Courtney (CT-2), and Elizabeth Esty (CT-5) applauded a $300,000 grant to the Wheeler Clinic from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office on Women’s Health. The funding-- $100,000 per year for three years-- will support the Connecticut Opioid Misuse Prevention (COMP) Initiative and expand in-person and online training for up to 4,500 prevention professionals, pediatric care primary providers and professionals who work or volunteer with adolescent girls. 

“The opioid epidemic is devastating our communities, and unfortunately, no one is immune. This funding will ensure that teen girls have the resources and care they need to prevent and treat substance misuse. We applaud today’s funding and remain hopeful that the federal dollars will bring us one step closer towards ending this epidemic. We’re fortunate to have the Wheeler Clinic in Connecticut, and this grant is a testament to the exceptional care that is provided to families and individuals across the state.”

With over 30 locations across the state, the Wheeler Clinic provides primary care and behavioral health services for more than 30,000 individuals in Connecticut each year.
