HARTFORD – U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Wednesday applauded the U.S. Department of Justice’s final recommendations to help advance the use of smart gun technology. The report incorporated feedback from law enforcement and community leaders to recommend baseline technology requirements and best practices for developing smart guns. The report was ordered by the Obama administration in April 2016 as part of a multi-pronged plan to expand and encourage the development of “smart gun” technology, which can help reduce gun violence.

“We are a country of innovators. In a world where thumbprints unlock smartphones, I refuse to believe that we can’t develop the technology to ensure guns can only be fired only by their owners,” said Murphy. “Last year alone, over 260 children accidently shot themselves or someone else nearby. Smart guns could make a real difference in reducing accidental shootings to save lives. These baseline technology requirements released today by the Department of Justice will give important guidance to firearm manufacturers working to make them a reality.”

“The critical report released today brings us one step closer to life-saving gun technology. As the final part of a profoundly important presidential initiative, it outlines baseline recommendations that gun manufacturers can use to develop smart guns—and I call on them to do so. If children cannot accidently fire a weapon because of more effective locks, and if criminals can’t use stolen guns that respond only to their lawful owners, many lives will be saved. Although there is no substitute for congressional action on commonsense gun safety measures, strong leadership in the White House has led to pivotal progress in the fight against gun violence,” said Blumenthal.

Murphy and Blumenthal have been strong advocates for smart gun technology and vowed to take all possible action to advance the technology. In a hearing with Attorney General Loretta Lynch earlier this year, Murphy requested that the federal government leverage their ability to procure guns with smart technology to promote research among private gun manufacturers and sellers, ultimately improving gun safety across the board.  
