WASHINGTONSenator Chris MurphyU.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Friday applauded the announcement made by New York Governor Kathy Hochul that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has approved a design-build contract for the Penn Station Access Project, which will provide direct Metro-North service from Connecticut to Penn Station.

The new service will save travelers heading from the East Bronx to Connecticut up to 75 minutes in each direction. Current New Haven Line riders with destinations on the west side will save up to 40 minutes per day since travel from Grand Central will not be necessary.

“Connecticut has been waiting to have direct rail service to Penn Station for decades, and the day is finally coming. This wouldn't be remotely possible without the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the $30 billion coming to the Northeast for rail investment. It’s critical we work together on smart investments like this that will cut commute times, drive economic development, and improve the lives of everyone in the region,” said Murphy.  

“This historic project is truly transformative – a breathtakingly important step toward speed and safety in train travel. It not only reduces commute times but strengthens confidence and access. Such investments in rail travel will create good jobs and ensure that Connecticut is economically competitive. I applaud the federal-state partnership that made this project possible,” said Blumenthal.

