Washington DC – Today, Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) along with Congressman John B. Larson (CT-01), issued the following statement after the announcement that Capital Workforce Partners in Hartford will receive $5,880,350 in Trade and Economic Transition Dislocated Worker Grants (DWGs) from the U.S. Department of Labor. Dislocated Worker Grants, supported under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, assist those who are seeking to reenter the workforce by equipping them with the skills to compete in high-demand areas of the economy:

“We are thrilled that Capital Workforce Partners will receive this funding to provide vital workforce training to residents of Connecticut. New technologies and fast-paced market changes can leave employers and their employees at the mercy of economic trends outside of their control. This grant will help those dislocated from the workforce by arming them with skills to succeed in high-demand employment sectors like health care and advanced manufacturing. The training supported by this grant is good for job-seekers, for employers who need skilled workers, and for Connecticut’s economy. We are proud of the work Capital Workforce Partners has done serving the Hartford region, and this funding is a testament to their continuing success,” said the members.

Alex Johnson, President & CEO of Capital Workforce Partners enthusiastically notes “this grant enables Capital Workforce Partners to support up to 500 dislocated workers with training and support to prepare them for jobs in manufacturing and healthcare and other occupations and demand”.  Alex further highlights “this grant was made possible given Capital Workforce Partners longstanding commitment to meeting the needs of regional employers, and job-seekers in partnership with Department of Labor, community agencies, municipalities, and education to close the skills gap”.
