WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Wednesday applauded President Biden’s Executive Actions to prevent gun violence, including regulating ghost guns, investing in community violence intervention programs, and encouraging states to adopt model red flag legislation. 

“In Joe Biden, we finally have a president who is ready to treat gun violence like an epidemic we can solve. Today’s Executive Actions are an important first step toward stemming the tide of violence that ends 100 American lives every single day. These modest, common sense actions will help stop the proliferation of untraceable ghost guns, encourage states to adopt red flag laws and invest in community intervention programs to prevent violence before it happens,” said Murphy. “I’ve been working hard over the last two weeks, talking to my colleagues on both sides of the aisle about the need to expand background checks. The NRA’s influence is fading, the gun violence prevention movement is stronger than ever, and the prospect to pass lifesaving legislation that is supported by more than 90% of Americans has never been better.”

Murphy is one of the strongest voices in Washington advocating for strengthening our nation’s gun laws. Earlier this year, Murphy reintroduced the Background Check Expansion Act, legislation to expand federal background checks to all gun sales. 
