WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed the Judicial Redress Act. Murphy, who introduced the bipartisan bill in the U.S. Senate with Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) earlier this year, called on Senate leadership to swiftly bring the legislation up for a vote. 

“The House of Representatives took an important step today in promoting both national security and export growth with Europe, and it’s time for the Senate to do our part,” said Murphy. “Until this bill passes, the critical law enforcement information sharing agreement between the U.S. and Europe cannot go into effect. And with this bill, another agreement, designed to help U.S. technology companies do business in Europe, gets closer to the finish line .”

Murphy continued, “It's rare that one little, non-controversial bill can have such a great impact on both national security and international commerce. But until the Senate passes this bill into law, the gaps in privacy protection and information sharing addressed by our Judicial Redress Act stand between us and a safer, more prosperous America. I strongly urge the Senate to pass this bill as soon as possible. Our cooperation with our European allies is too important to be unnecessarily delayed.”

Under current law, only U.S. citizens can seek redress in U.S. courts when their privacy rights are violated. In contrast, many European allies already provide that right to U.S. citizens in their courts of law. The Judicial Redress Act simply establishes reciprocity with our closest friends, and ensures that they continue to share information crucial to law enforcement cooperation. The bill will enhance transatlantic relations and security and promote a mutually beneficial environment for U.S. and European businesses.