WASHINGTON—Today, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) applauded the announcement by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that the Connecticut Department of Housing will receive $4,112,906 in Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) funds to provide rental housing and supportive services to very low- and extremely low-income adults with disabilities. A total of $150,369,989 in PRA funds will be awarded to state housing agencies across the nation, making 4,584 units available to a population of adults most in need of affordable, supportive housing. The more than $150 million in funding was authorized and made possible by Murphy’s Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act, which he introduced while serving in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The Section 811 PRA funding will enable individuals with disabilities to live as independently as possible in the community by subsidizing rental housing opportunities that provide them with access to appropriate, affordable, and supportive services.

“I introduced the Frank Melville Supportive Housing Act as a member of the House to provide thousands more individuals with disabilities the opportunity to thrive independently as fully functioning members of our communities,” said Murphy. “That’s exactly what we’re accomplishing today with this funding from HUD. There is nothing more fundamental to leading an independent life than having a roof over your head and a place to call home, and this supportive housing service is the most cost-effective and appropriate means of doing so. These new housing resources will be life changing for so many individuals in Connecticut and across the country, and I’m proud to have been so involved in this important effort.”