WASHINGTON–U.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), a member of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, announced the inclusion of more than $1 billion in additional funding for Connecticut’s defense and manufacturing industries in the Fiscal Year 2024 Defense Appropriations bills above the President’s budget request. Senate Appropriations Committee passage is the first step in the process, and funding will only be made available when the bill is passed by both chambers Congress and signed into law.

“Connecticut's workers build world-class jet engines, helicopters, and submarines for our military, and this year’s Defense budget includes billions of additional dollars to strengthen national security and support thousands of jobs in our state’s manufacturing industry. I’m proud that this bill also gives Connecticut small businesses the opportunity to further develop new technologies and compete for DoD contracts. Serving on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee is a huge privilege, and I will always be a strong voice for Connecticut workers,” said Murphy.

The Committee-passed Senate Fiscal Year 2024 Defense Appropriations bill includes the following funding above the President’s requested budget for Connecticut’s manufacturing industries:

  • $470M in procurement for Virginia Class submarine spares and repair parts to support submarine maintenance availabilities and reduce delays, authority to enter a multi-year procurement contract for 10 SSN Virginia-class submarines, and full funding for the Navy's new Virginia Class Material strategy
  • $497M to Pratt and Whitney to fully fund the F-135 Engine Core Upgrade and a provision preventing integration of any alternative engine on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
  • $400M to Sikorsky Helicopter for 10 additional HH-60W Combat Rescue Helicopters
  • $132M to Pratt and Whitney for upgrades to the Air Force F-135 Engines
  • $132M to Pratt and Whitney for upgrades to the Navy and Marine F-135 Engines for spare parts
  • $5M to Sikorsky Helicopter for upgrades to the Navy MH-60 Seahawk Helicopters
  • $10M to Pratt and Whitney for Emergency Power & Cooling System upgrades to the F-135
  • $62M divided among a dozen Connecticut small businesses to develop innovative technologies for the Department of Defense
